
The blame does not lie with the unions

Wednesday, March 16, 2011 10:45 PM

Dear Editor:

A decent wage for a day’s work is all anyone asks for today. I have a difficult time believing that a company would shut its doors just because of a union. Have you ever thought that corporate greed could play into the factor why these businesses shut down? Any corporation that would deny its employees the right to sit down and bargain for a fair wage and safe working conditions must have motive for doing so. America has a horrible history when it comes to corporations exploiting its workers.As long as corporate profits are up, all is well; when corporate profits are down, they blame the workers and in this case, the unions.

I do understand that businesses need to make profits, and I understand the concept of capitalism where everyone worships Mammon and gets rich. It’s just plain wrong, no matter how you look at it, that corporations make profits with no regard to worker’s rights.Blast the unions all you want, but understand that the reason why you have the working conditions you have today is because organized workers sat down and discussed their rights in the workplace.

As a worker, I believe I have the right to bargain for wages and demand a safe working environment. While I may ask for a livable wage, it is not my fault that a company goes under because of some corporate head getting a bonus. You must have missed that story in the newspaper somewhere. You imply that unions are a bad thing to have in America. I say that unions are a necessity and a right for all who work. The blame does not lie outside with the unions, but within the walls of the corporate beast itself.

Ed Reynolds


