
New Mexico clears way for school openings, teacher vaccines

Monday, March 8, 2021 6:33 PM

ALBUQUERQUE– New Mexico on Monday began clearing the way for schools to reopen next month as vaccine eligibility was expanded to include shots for all teachers, those working in early childhood programs and educators.

“We get to ring the bell and bring our students back, and I’m very happy for both our educators – who will be receiving their vaccines, back in the classroom with their students – and students who have missed their peers, missed their sports,” Public Education Secretary Ryan Stewart said during a news conference.

The announcement on schools came after the state said it was aiming to get educators their first shots by the end of March.

The state expanded vaccine eligibility as part of a directive by the Biden administration to get more schools reopened amid the coronavirus pandemic. Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and state Health Secretary Dr. Tracie Collins said last week that the ability of New Mexico to meet the timeline will depend on the federal government increasing vaccine supplies.

Collins said the state had been in discussions with the White House about how the directive would affect vaccinations for other groups. Under the latest plan, the state will start with educators outside of the Albuquerque area this week. Those in the metro area can get shots next week, likely at a mass vaccination site, and the final week will target all of those statewide who have yet to be vaccinated.

More than 15,000 educators already have received shots, as some were eligible as part of New Mexico’s phased-in approach to distributing vaccinations. The focus until now has been on the most vulnerable populations, including those 75 and over and younger people with chronic health conditions that put them at greater risk.

Absent the White House’s directive, teachers and other educators were next in line to be prioritized under New Mexico’s phased-in approach to distributing vaccinations.

According to the state Public Education Department, there were more than 17,400 teachers on the rolls as of early December. That does not include other school staff, higher education employees or those who work in early childhood education programs.

Teacher unions pushed for more widespread vaccinations as pressure mounted to get back to in-person learning. Many New Mexico school districts had opted not to dramatically increase in-person learning despite approval from Lujan Grisham earlier this year. Some opened on a limited basis, allowing students to attend in-person based on the availability of teachers who volunteer.

In Santa Fe, the public school district and the union National Education Association-Santa Fe recently reached an agreement in which teachers and staff would be required to return to work in-person once they have been vaccinated or have had the opportunity to get a shot. A memorandum of understanding also notes that no employee will be required to get a vaccination.

Union President Grace Mayer said nearly all members have indicated their willingness to get vaccinated and she was excited about educators being added to the list.

Santa Fe Superintendent Veronica Garcia said in a statement that her schools have been ready to reopen since the beginning of the school year.

“Our hurdle to bringing students back has been access to vaccinations,” Garcia said. “I’m greatly encouraged with the federal prioritization of educational employees. ... We all want to get our students back on campus as soon as possible.”

With hybrid programs, some schools are looking like internet cafes, with eager students learning remotely on school internet with teachers who are off-campus.

Stewart said that five-day a week programs would be open to those who want them, and districts also will be required to provide virtual learning options for students who opt out.

“All students who want access to full in-person learning will still be coming back in and schools will be making those local decisions on staffing to manage both of those programs,” Stewart said.

Overall, more than 681,000 shots have been administered in New Mexico, ranking the state among the top in the U.S. when it comes to distribution. About 14.5% of the population is fully vaccinated and one-quarter has received a first shot, according to state data.

The Health Department sent alerts Monday, asking other members of the public to be patient. Text and email messages stated that demand still exceeds supply and for people to wait for notification before showing up at a vaccine clinic without an appointment.

Attanasio reported from Santa Fe, New Mexico.
