

Thursday, July 3, 2014 8:52 PM

Annual Walk to Remember is July 13

“The Four Corners Chapter of The Compassionate friends will host its annual Walk to Remember in conjunction with the National Walk on Sunday, July 13 at 9 a.m. at the Centennial Park, Cortez. Registration is at 8:30 a.m. There will be “Walk Bibs” available for your child’s name and photo if available. The walk will be up to an hour long.

Compassionate Friends is a national organization for families who have lost a child, at any age, from any circumstance and this event is to memorialize all children who have died too soon and to help bereaved families in their journey through grief.

For information, please contact Cherie McAndrew at 565-6480 or Debbie Snead at 565-4732.

Little Legs Adventures planned for Fridays

Adventures tailored to toddlers and preschoolers enjoying the outdoors. The programs take place at Denny Lake in Cortez the following Fridays from 10 to 11 a.m.: July 11, 18 and 25. Kids will learn about local critters, explore the natural world, read related books and have fun with friends each week. Program is free and is sponsored by San Juan Mountains Association, San Juan National Forest and BLM Tres Rios Field Office.

Pre-registration is encouraged. Contact SJMA for more information at or 759-1170.

Relay for Life event will be July 18

The Relay for Life event will be held on Friday July 18 from 6 p.m. to-midnight at the Park de Vida behind the Recreation Center.

This annual event is sponsored by the American Cancer Society. Funds raised from this event go to vital cancer research but last year also provided rides to treatments for 165,000 people and $26 million for lodging costs. Each year, the group assists nearly 1 million callers with information and connects them to the resources they need as well as other expenses.

Super heroes is the theme this year.

Call Valerie at 1-806-626-6887 for information.

The Cortez Journal
