
Deavers has skills, stomach to be coroner

Thursday, June 19, 2014 9:44 PM

I’ve worked with George Deavers for 27 years, 22 of those serving with him on the Lewis-Arriola Volunteer Fire Department.

I have always known George to be an extremely hard working individual. In the fire service, I have witnessed his skill in motivating a team. He has always cared about the safety of his team on fire and medical calls.

Some of the incidents our fire department responds to, such as wildland fires, can go on for several days. I have watched George work very effectively with other agencies in these situations.

I have been in some extremely difficult and sensitive emergency situations with George. Under this kind of pressure, I have seen him keep himself and others focused on responding to sometimes gruesome scenes. He maintained composure and professionalism, showing discretion and compassion to the families involved.

This job of coroner is not for everyone, but George has the desire, the skills, and the stomach to get the job done.

From my work beside him for many years, I have no doubt that George Deavers would be the best candidate for County Coroner.

Doug Muscancell

