
Dolores 80 years ago

Wednesday, June 18, 2014 7:54 PM

Two forest fires burned over a considerable area in the Dolores vicinity this week. The biggest fire was in Narraguinnep canon and up to yesterday morning had burned over about 500 acres. This fire did the most damage of any fire of any which has occurred in this territory in many years. In its path was much valuable pine timber which eventually would have been logged by the New Mexico Lumber Mfg. Company, on the Montezuma National Forest.

There are about 75 men from the CCC camp fighting the blaze, working in two shifts, under direction of local forest rangers,but the workers are greatly handicapped by the fact that the fire is down in the canon and it is difficult to get down the canon walls to the timber. There is no water on the ground and all used must be packed several miles. This fire is believed to have started from lightning.

A fire, which started from a sheep herder's campstove, burned over about fifteen acres on Granath mesa this week, but was completely extinguished Wednesday, according to D. S. Thomas and George White, who were battling the blaze. Considerable growth of young pine timber was destroyed on land owned by Frank and Milton Morgan.

In times past, it has been the custom of the local Legion post to stage some sort of a celebration here on the 4th of July. However, this year, this matter is being passed up and Dolores folks will throw in with Mancos for their 4th of July festivities. However, the Legion boys will put on a big dance here Saturday night, June 30, as a starter to the 4th of July occasion. The dance will be at Memorial Hall and music will be by Blondy Penman's excellent orchestra.

W.M. Case, of the extension service at Fort Collins, and Grant G. Wilson, general manager of the Farr company, at Greeley, were here and addressed about 50 people of the bean growers of this section at a meeting held at Pythian theater Saturday afternoon. The meeting was successful in point of the approval of the growers of the government's plans as outlined by the speakers, for improving the market situation for pinto beans.

Shannon Livick

Mancos is expecting a big crowd at their two-day 4th of July celebration to be held July 3 and 4. Featured on the program will be band concerts, baseball games, air circus, rodeo, dancing and talking pictures. Also, there will be a big boxing show on the Fourth, featuring Chuckers Hildenbrand vs. Orlando, the well known Denver newsboy, in a contest for the state bantamweight championship.

County Commissioner Frank Philley was a Dolores visitor Tuesday, when he came down from his sheep camp for supplies. Mr. Philley reports extreme dryness on the meadows, and, of course, need of rain.

Shannon Livick
