
Sheriff's Blotter

Wednesday, June 11, 2014 6:41 PM

Barricaded subject

June 4: The sheriff's office received several calls from residences on Road 24.4 about a man shooting a high powered rifle. After going to the house, deputies found a pickup outside a residence with the drivers door open and a high powered rifle sitting on the seat. A witness contacted deputies and told them the man ran into his trailer when the deputies arrived. The deputies were able to tactfully retrieve the rifle. Deputies backed off the residence and called inside to the man. The man refused to come out. Deputies set up a perimeter and continued surveillance and tried to talk him out. Neighbors in the immediate area were advised to stay in place or leave for their safety. The deputies later found the man was called in earlier as a drunk driver and found he was not supposed to have a firearm due to a previous conviction. As deputies continued watching the residence, detectives wrote an arrest and a search warrant. The detectives were able to get the warrant signed by the judge. The standoff lasted over 5 hours before the man came out of his house and was arrested, offering no resistance. The man was taken to jail and placed on a felony hold for reckless endangerment, possession of a firearm by a previous offender and prohibited use of a firearm.

Warrant arrest/Drugs

May 30: Two women told a deputy a 25-year-old man was chasing them along the 4800 block of Road G County. They said the man was intoxicated and using methamphetamine. Neither female would tell the deputy how or why the man was chasing them. The man was found in a car belonging to one of the women and was having a hard time breathing because he had vomited. A pipe and small baggie of suspected methamphetamine was found in the car. The man was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. A warrants check on the man showed he had an active warrant out of Montezuma County for third degree assault. Begay also had two active restraining orders stating he shall not possess or consume alcoholic beverages or controlled substances. The next day he was taken to jail charged with possession of controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and violation of a protection order.

Dogs killing Sheep

May 27: A woman on Road 31 reported two of her sheep and the one Llama had been killed with several others seriously injured by dogs. The total value of the animals lost is $4,500. A nearby neighbor told the deputy investigating she had seen some dogs in the area running loose and acting aggressive. The neighbor did shoot and kill one of the dogs and she stayed awake until 3:00 a.m. to make sure they did not come back. While she was showing the deputy the dog she had killed they saw a pack of four dogs running in the north pasture. The Deputy observed one reddish/brown dog and three black dogs. The deputy took photographs and will look for the owner.
