
Manaugh says thank you

Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:17 AM

The saying is true that it takes a village to raise children. The Cortez community has shown that in many ways to the teachers, parents and students of Manaugh Elementary. We want to say THANK You to our anonymous benefactor who has helped us for each of the last two years and to our box tops contributor who sends us an envelope of box tops with a simple return address of “friend”. We are also honored by the weekly Corner Coffee Club blessings that the Montezuma Valley Presbyterian Cshurch serves up every Wednesday to our staff and parents. Our staff appreciates the wonderful treats and meals that are brought by the church as well. To the many local businesses, especially Sonic, the staff is honored by your discounts and support for them as educators. To our 4th grade parent who purchased iPads for a classroom, we appreciate your gift. To the Rotary Club, your annual gift of dictionaries for the third grade students is one of the highlights of their year. We would also be remiss in not acknowledging the many local groups who bring us opportunities such as 4th grade Arbor Day, 2nd grade Safety Day, as well as Crow Canyon for their Museum on the Ground. To all and any I have missed, we are so thankful.

Donetta Rankin Dehart

Proud Principal of Manaugh
