
Dolores 40 years ago

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 10:49 PM

Conditions causing closing of the river bridge on Old Highway 145 were discussed at a public meeting held at the town hall here last Monday with County Commissioners Harold McComb, Clay Bader and Curtis Honaker present along with Fred Thomas of the engineering firm hired to make a thorough study of the problem.

The study concludes it is economically unfeasible to repair the bridge and recommends dismantling and if desirable to erect a new 100 foot span bridge with a new east abutment while using the old west abutment. Estimated cost is about $50,000, less any salvage value from the old bridge.

Two juvenile boys about 13 years old were apprehended early Saturday morning after they were seen as they entered the high school building. Charlie Aragon, Dolores Marshall, answered a call about 6 a.m. and found the two had broken into the Dolores High School, the Junior High and the new elementary building.

School officials estimate damage done by the two including breaking windows, jimmying three doors and breaking into 10 dispensing machines in the building. Total damage was listed at about $230. Reports state that the two may have been under the influence of marijuana.

The Montezuma Water company, on May 9, answered the Dolores Water Conservancy District's proposal of a merger between the two organizations with an absolute "no." The Water Conservancy District had proposed merger between the two organizations on the grounds of advantages for the consumers of the Montezuma Water Company among which were the ability to provide badly needed capital for the expansion of the domestic water system; the ability of the Conservancy District to issue bonds to finance continued improvements and expansion of the service area of the Montezuma Water Company.

The new Spot-Less Car Wash has opened for business this week according to Mr. and Mrs. Corky McClain, owners of the business, which is located at First and Railroad Avenue in Dolores. The vacuums have yet to be installed but the rest of the service is open and operating.

Students at the Dolores High School and Junior High received recognition for their outstanding work over the past year at the annual Awards Night held Tuesday evening of this week.

The local high school rodeo club will be sponsoring a rodeo during the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, May 25 and 26 at the American Legion Grounds in Cortez with three performances beginning at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday and the final one a 1 p.m. Sunday. The local rodeo club is comprised of boys and girls from Dolores, Cortez, Mancos and Dove Creek high schools.
