
Cortez Fire Protection District Questionnaire: Fox

Friday, April 18, 2014 12:05 AM

Name: Diane Fox

Age: 46

Telephone: 970-560-3111


Website: Not listed

1. List three action items you’d introduce to guarantee the people’s right to know?

I think that one of our fundamental freedoms in America is the press and the people’s right to know. Any district or agency that operates with tax payer money, has the absolute responsibility to be transparent with the public. Making available to the public the budget of the organization, inviting and expecting the media at board meetings for coverage of the business of the district, and cooperating with the media on the business of the district are important pieces of that relationship. On the flip side, I think that personnel should be protected and that investigations that are on-going should also be protected. I see that there should be a mutual respect between the media and public entities.

2. If elected, what would be your top priorities?

Assuring the solvency of the district. Assuring that the progress that the district has made continues and remains stable. Assuring that the district has a long term plan to replace equipment, compensate employees and assure safety of personnel with needed and updated equipment and training.

3. In examining the district’s total budget, which line items would you support for greater funding and which line items would you recommend be cut? Why?

After looking at the Fire Protection district budget I don’t see a lot of line items to cut. From my previous board service, I know that once things are cut it is often difficult to find the money to refund it when necessary. I believe that a long term plan to replace apparatus and equipment is important, and I also think that assuring we are offering pay and benefits to the district employees is imperative to remain competitive and assure that Cortez Fire Department is not merely a stepping stone, but a department where we can retain quality people.

4. Is working and partnering with outside agencies important? Why or why not?

This is one of the things that I believe in more than anything. I think that no public safety entity can work alone. These are all symbiotic relationships that require team work, resource sharing and mutual respect. It is in no way a place for egos, or arrogance, it is a place for doing what is right for the right reasons for the good of the tax paying public that is priority.

5. List the district’s top three needs, and what steps would you take to address those concerns?

I think that building a department with quality people who are compensated fairly where morale is high, and we can retain those people. Finding ways to replace aging apparatus and equipment, and continually train personnel with updated and modern standards and training.

6. List your expertise and/or qualifications that set you apart from other candidates.

I have been involved in public safety since 1989. I served with the Cortez Police Department since 1993, retiring in 2012. During that time I served in many positions but mainly patrol and School Resource. I understand public safety, and have had the opportunity to work closely with the Cortez Fire Department all of those years. I understand the importance of working together with others to solve problems. I have been a director on the Montezuma Cortez School district for 10 years. I know what it means to be a board member. I know that being a board member means individuals coming together to serve as one. It is never, or should never be about agendas, or just one person’s ideals or ideas. I do not have an agenda for serving on this board. My only goal is to see that the progress of the district continues, while we always remember and honor the service of those volunteers that have served for so many years.
