
Cortez Fire Protection District Questionnaire: Wright

Friday, April 18, 2014 12:02 AM

Name: Sherri Wright

Age: Not listed

Telephone: 970-560-01581


Website: Not listed

1. List three action items you’d introduce to guarantee the people’s right to know?

The people’s right to know is an important aspect to the fire district. There are several ways to ensure this; however, the most important ones are already addressed. The meetings are open for the public to attend, and there is not a better way to learn what is happening and the direction the board moving. Another aspect is the budget. Again, the budget is open for public inspection to learn how the tax payer’s money is being spent; all a person needs to do is ask for it. The third way is to read the minutes of the board meeting. If time is short, requesting and reading of the minutes is the easiest way to stay current. These are not new ways to guarantee the people’s right to know, but it is the most logical way. Sometimes we all forget that this is public knowledge, all we have to do is ask for the information.

2. If elected, what would be your top priorities?

My top priorities are safety, fiscal responsibility and meeting the needs of the public. We must keep the public and our firemen safe, and sometimes this means spending money. Fiscal responsibility is looking at what we need and getting it. This does not mean spending money foolishly, but spending it wisely. To meet the needs of the public we must make sure the first two, safety and fiscal responsibility, are met. We must be well prepared, but stay within our resources.

3. List the district’s top three needs, and what steps would you take to address those concerns?

I feel the district’s top 3 needs are, again: fiscal responsibility, safety and meeting the needs of the public. I am not current with what the board is doing, but after visiting with current members I feel the board is already going in the correct direction. There may need to be a few small fixes, but I will not know until I am on the board and understand how the management is handled. We must remember this is not a board of one, suggestions are made and discussed then the best decisions are made.

4. Is working and partnering with outside agencies important? Why or why not?

Working with outside agencies can be a good thing, if we are going in the same direction. Outside agencies can bring money and expertise to the fire district. With this being said, if the outside agency has a different goal(s) than the fire district this could call confusion and moving from what is best for the fire district. Outside agencies must be looked at with a clear and critical eye before signing on with them.

5. In examining the district’s total budget, which line items would you support for greater funding and which line items would you recommend be cut? Why?

To say what line items I would support and/or cut is not something that I am able to state. I have hands on approach. The board is going is going in a certain direction and meeting the needs as they see fit. This is a board approach and needs to stay that way. As new board members come in they need to learn the needs and then approach the process but with new ideas and a different way of looking at the budget. A board member has only one vote, to be a cohesive board we must work together.

6. List your expertise and/or qualifications that set you apart from other candidates.

I have multiple years of board work and understand how Boardman ship works. I served on the RE-1 school board for 8 years, San Juan Basin Technical College 7 years, Colorado Association School Board 4 years and currently serving on the RE-1 school board. While working on these different boards I have worked with Colorado legislature on various laws, thus learning how to work with local and state government. I am willing to work and fight for the needs of the fire district, no matter how small or great.
