
Tone it down by the market, would you?

Monday, Sept. 7, 2020 1:15 PM

The freedom of speech and the freedom of peaceful assembly are important freedoms being expressed on Saturday mornings on the main street of Cortez.

The Cortez Farmers Market consists of farmers, ranchers, craftsmen, artists, food vendors and musicians. These vendors represent all political parties and walks of life.

The vendors are having difficulties conducting transactions with their customers when blaring horns, revving engines and loud shouting when the Montezuma County Patriots ride through Cortez at the corner of Elm and Main. The vendors are patriots too! They represent taxpaying people who are supporting their families and their community and their country. They have a right to conduct business in an open-air setting without windows, doors or walls.

Out of courtesy to your fellow citizens and vendors, please tone down the shouting, the blaring horns and revving engines when you approach Elm and Main on the Saturday mornings of farmers market.

Frances WisnerCortez
