
Dolores officials exploiting community

Monday, Aug. 31, 2020 1:34 PM

Wow! The arrogance of Dolores school officials is mind-boggling in the decision to go forward with grant applications and pursuing bond proposals to build a new school, which indicates they are not interested in our community.

Of course, staff would like to have a bright and shiny place to work, but most of them will not be paying the bill as they live out of the district or do not own property in Dolores. The people who will be paying for this new building are largely made up of those on a fixed income, many of whom are retirees and did not respond to a survey that contained too much political jargon for them to understand or care about.

Listen to the people and prove to them the necessity of this new building. Is it truly a need or more of a want in this time of pandemic and loss of income to many households and businesses? Quality teachers can teach and motivate students from anywhere, which has been proven in this time of shelter in place. What is the impact on our economy? How will businesses be impacted? What are the lasting impacts to the community to continue with this senseless endeavor?

During this difficult time, their focus should be on sustaining our community, not exploiting it with unnecessary and unwanted expenditures that could be detrimental to people and businesses.

Tina ArcherDolores
