
Big changes ahead in school calendar

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 7:58 PM

The Dolores School Board approved next year's school calendar last week, and it looks like there will be a few changes.

The first and most notable change is the end to early-release Wednesdays. Instead, teachers and staff will work together during PLC time on Fridays. Most of the time, students will get every other Friday off.

School starts Aug. 18 and ends May 28.

Parents and students will have to keep a close eye on the calendar at to be sure what Fridays are school days and what Fridays are Professional Learning Community days, during which teachers work and students are off. Students, for example, won't get a Friday off after starting school until Sept. 15, and then they will be off every other Friday until Nov. 7. After Nov. 7, students go to school two Fridays in a row because Thanksgiving break follows. Thanksgiving break will be one week long.

P.E. Extravaganza

On Thursday, March 27 at 7 p.m., students will perform in the P.E. Extravaganza. This action-packed event, organized by physical education teacher Ann Sanford. It is always fun to watch the kids run around the gym, performing their routines. There is also always a show-stopping finale that involves a dark main gymnasium and hundreds of different colored flashlights.

From Mrs. Maxwell's desk

Excerpts from the Galloping Goose Express, sent home with elementary students, and great advice to parents:

"Finally, understand that all children make mistakes.

"It is part of growing up. There may be a time when your child has not been as kind to someone else as you may want him or her to be. Getting that dreaded phone call from school can be alarming. What is important is how you react. Breathe. Take a deep breath and be receptive to what you may hear. ....

"When children see parents and teachers respectfully working together, it models effective problem solving. Living by the golden rule allows our students to flourish and become respectful citizens."

Shannon Livick
