Order Dolores Bears fan-wear today
The Dolores Bears Booster Club is placing a spring order for Dolores Bears. Hoodies, T-shirts, fleece vests, and jackets are available. Fleece jackets and vests are available in black or red. Or choose from plaid flannel pants, yoga pants, sweatpants, beanies, and headbands. Orders and money are due to the high school office no later than Friday, March 14 to have items ready by Spring Break. See items and forms by going to our website at doloresschools.org/booster-club/
Pictures of items and order forms are also in the high school office. Go Bears!
Durango center issues call to artists
The Durango Arts Center is proud to announce the second one-week Artist-in-Residency program for contemporary and performing art. The residency program is part of DAC's 2014 Art Revolution and is in collaboration with Willowtail Springs Preserve/Education Center located outside Mancos, Colorado.
The one-week residency is intended to support DAC's Annual Juried Exhibit showing July 11-August 9, 2014. The one-week residency is available April 12-June 27 at Willowtail Springs Preserve/Education Center.
Applicants must be a member of the Durango Arts Center and 18 years or older. Anyone can become a member to apply.
Applications will be judged based on the merits of the proposal. The winner will be invited to present a product from their residency work at the reception of the Annual Juried Exhibit on July 11, 2014.
Applications are due March 19 and can be emailed to the Willowtail Springs Preserve/Education Center (WPEC) Director at info@wtsnpec.org. Notification will go out April 6.
For more information and the residency application, visit www.DurangoArts.org/artist-residency-program/. For questions, email Allison Andersen at allisonindurango@aol.com.
Cortez and Durango bee clubs to meet
The Cortez Bee Club will hold a meeting on Saturday, March 29, beginning at noon, at Let it Grow Nursery and eatery in Cortez. All are welcome to attend and learn about bee keeping.
Also the Four Corners Beekeepers Association, will have their next meeting in Durango on Monday, March 17th at 6 PM, and will meet the 3rd Monday of each month this year. The meetings are held at the Florida Baptist Church near Elmore's Corner, on Hwy 160 east of Durango. At this month's meeting we will discuss ordering bees, and wooden ware.
We will be sharing what we learned from the Michael Bush Seminar, as well as a Demo on setting up a Langstroth hive.
Newcomers and visitor are always welcome!
For more information, call Paula at 970-903-1877
Board of Realtors offers local scholarship
Applications are now being accepted for the Four Corners Board of Realtors Dean Hanson Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship can be awarded to traditional and nontraditional students seeking post-secondary or graduate education regardless of year of enrollment who are a resident of Montezuma or Dolores County.
Selection criteria include scholarship, leadership and financial need. Application deadline is April 15, 2014. Applications need to be mailed or turned into the Four Corners Board of Realtors at 350 W. Montezuma, Suite A in Cortez. Call (970) 565-0112, email fourcornersboard@gmail.com, or drop it off at your counselor's office. Applications are available at the counselor's office in high schools in Montezuma and Dolores counties, at the Four Corners Board of Realtors office at the above address, via email, or on our website: fourcornersboardofrealtors.com.
Sideshow hosts poetry reading
Local writer Megan Coxwell will be reading from her new chapbook, Darkened Rooms. This collection of poetry considers the vivid self illumination that is possible when we explore our dark sides. Special guests to read after.
From 7-8:30 pm on Friday 3/21 at Sideshow Emporium, 411 Central, Dolores.
Call 970-739-4646 for details.
for The Dolores Star