
Dolores County bidding questioned

Friday, March 7, 2014 1:05 AM

A dust-up in Dolores County regarding a bidding-process oversight was discussed at an executive session Wednesday night, officials reported.

Dolores County commissioner Julie Kibel said Tuesday the meeting was to receive legal advice on the matter.

“We just found out about it on Monday, and we want to resolve it head on,” Kibel said. “We will make a decision in an open public meeting after we hear from our attorney.”

The controversial issue is regarding services the county paid for to dispose of tires from the county’s transportation yard, Kibel said.

The county paid a local salvage company about $6,000 to dispose of the tires, Kibel said.

That amount is typically put out to bid, and it was done in 2013 for the service, she said. But the same services for this year missed the usual bid process.

“We put everything out to bid based on state statute requirements,” Kibel said. “This probably should have been re-bid for 2014.”

A procurement policy detailing the county’s bid process will be considered as a result of the problem, Kibel said. A meeting notice for the executive session was posted at county offices.
