
Superintendent urges community to oppose cuts

Wednesday, March 5, 2014 10:31 PM

Dolores Superintendent Scott Cooper sent a letter home to parents this week urging them to contact legislators and insist education cuts be stopped.

Cooper said that this year, the school district's budget has been cut by $961,344, with an expected $912,407 cut next year.

"This lost funding has caused a reduction of student services, including: fewer teachers and para-professionals resulting in larger class sizes; fewer resources available to students who are in need of critical academic interventions; fewer acceleration options for our gifted students; delaying the purchase of new busses and technology; fewer administrative supports for students, parents and teachers," Cooper wrote.

He argues that the economy has recovered and parents need to tell legislators to restore a fraction of school funding.

"It is important to remember that we are not asking for new money, we are simply asking that the legislature fund our schools as they are directed to in the Constitution of our state," he said.

Over the past five years, the district budget has been cut by $3.1 million, he said.

"If this 'negative factor' continues, we will have to cut deep into the classrooms, directly affecting the students' educational future and the economic future of Colorado."

Piñon Project's family night

The Piñon Project is sponsoring a Family Night for parents and Dolores students, March 7 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the High School Commons Area. The Dolores Family Food and Fitness will present a night of family activities for all ages, including martial arts, food tastings and door prizes. Information: Kelly Proctor at or 564-1195, ext. 126.

Order Bear Ware now

The Dolores Bears Booster Club is placing a spring order for Bears hoodies, T-shirts, fleece vests and jackets. Also available are plaid flannel pants, yoga pants, sweatpants, beanies, and headbands. Orders and money are due to the high school office no later than March 14 to have items by spring break. See items and forms at: dolores

Operation Graduation: March 13

The 2014 Operation Graduation Committee will meet Thursday, March 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the Dolores School Commons/Lunchroom. All senior parents are encouraged to attend. Operation Graduation is an all-night, drug- and alcohol-free, lockdown party intended to keep seniors safe on graduation night. Information: Wendy Moore at 970-799-4815 or MIchelle Whatcott at 970-759-3799.

Yearbooks on sale now

The 2013-2014 yearbooks are on sale through March 13. Books are $50 and include middle and high schools. The elementary will have its own yearbook this year with a soft cover. Cost is $15 and must be paid for in full at time of purchase in the office. Students must pre-purchase to guarantee a copy.
