
Solar companies need government help

Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2014 12:13 AM

In response to the editorial on solar energy (Journal, Feb. 11), my hope is to one day raise my children in a world where energy sources are clean and the job market is full of opportunity. We are currently on the path to see this hope become a reality due to the effectiveness of solar companies making solar panels financially feasible and creating hundreds of thousands of jobs for Americans. However, there is only so much solar companies can achieve without the help of the government. I fear that without bills such as the one proposed by Sens. Bennet and Heller, the improvements made by solar companies will begin to plateau simply because they only have so much power in terms of how they can help the American economy. Should the government continue to put forth bills such as this in order to help solar companies do more, I have no doubt that the benefits of solar will continue to grow, both for the economy and the environment. I simply want future generations to live in a cleaner, more economically prosperous community, and I believe that the government can successfully work with solar companies to help make this very achievable goal a reality.

Sammantha Booth

