
Montezuma County Tri-Chamber of Commerce announces Love Local campaign

Friday, June 12, 2020 6:04 PM
Tri-Chamber of Commerce launches Love Local campaign.

The Journal

The Montezuma County Tri-Chamber of Commerce has partnered with Cortez Retail Enhancement Association to launch #LoveLocalMontezuma, a hashtag and social-media marketing campaign specifically focused on showcasing area businesses, celebrating the local residents who own, operate, and staff those businesses, and encouraging community members to spend their money locally.

#LoveLocalMontezuma will publish regular “featurettes” about area businesses on Instagram @lovelocalmontezuma and Facebook @LoveLocalMontezuma. They will also publish regular “shop local” educational information and articles that illuminate the benefits of shopping in the local community.

All Montezuma County area businesses are invited to register for this free “Featured Area Business” promotion. There are no fees involved and no strings attached. Register at
