
Hospitals could be overwhelmed if older Coloradans don’t reduce social interactions

Thursday, May 28, 2020 3:29 PM
A chart from a May 26, 2020, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment presentation showing the hours people in the state have spent at home during the coronavirus pandemic. The chart shows people started spending less time at home even before the state lifted its stay-at-home order. (Screenshot)

The coronavirus could peak beyond hospital capacity in Colorado in September unless older adults reduce social interactions by far more than normal for months to come, according to new modeling scenarios released Tuesday.

Colorado will need more intensive-care beds than exist in this state around Aug. 15 — right as school starts — unless people who are age 60 and older maintain strict social distancing and all Coloradans continue reduced social interactions, said public health officials during a remote news conference.

Under the models created by the University of Colorado School of Public Health, Colorado would need about 2,500 intensive-care beds by mid-September if those strict isolation recommendations are not followed. The state only has about 1,900 ICU beds.

May Modeling Report
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The key to preventing hospital overload is a math problem: If Coloradans go out in public — including to church, restaurants and stores — 65% less compared to normal times, ICU beds will not reach capacity even as cases of coronavirus rise in the fall.

But if the state reduces social interaction by only 45% or 55%, Colorado hospitals are predicted to run out of space for patients who need critical care.

To comply, older adults should think about it this way: cut social interactions by more than half, not less than half, said Dr. Rachel Herlihy, Colorado’s state epidemiologist.

Ask friends and neighbors to do the shopping. Avoid going to restaurants, because that’s a common place where older adults could come in close proximity to younger people who might have coronavirus but are asymptomatic. And consider that less time in public means less potential exposure to the virus — religious services, for example, are likely to include many people and take much longer than a quick trip into a store, state public health officials explained.

A slide from a May 26, 2020, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment presentation showing the projected course of the coronavirus pandemic under several different scenarios. Regardless of the scenario, the models predict that cases of COVID-19 will be increasing by late summer (the vertical dashed line) when kids return to school. The models also show that Coloradans must maintain a high level of social distancing for months into the future to avoid exceeding the state’s capacity of critical-case hospital beds (the horizontal dashed line).

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