
State seeks input on hunting seasons

Thursday, Jan. 30, 2014 10:04 PM

DENVER - Colorado Parks and Wildlife is seeking public input on the structure of the big game hunting seasons for 2015 through 2019.

Major issues that are considered during the big game season structure process include the number of seasons for each species, the overlap among different seasons, breaks between seasons and the beginning and ending dates of hunting seasons. The hunting 'preference point' system and totally limited elk hunting units will also be discussed as part of this process.

"The five-year season structure is designed to provide sportsmen, hunting-related businesses, landowners and communities an opportunity to plan ahead for the upcoming seasons," said Craig McLaughlin, Terrestrial Section Manager for Colorado Parks and Wildlife. "The public input process gives stakeholders the chance to comment on some of the major hunting issues."

Every five years, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission sets the big game season structure. This review process allows the Parks and Wildlife Commission to consider public input along with information from wildlife biologists and managers to shape the structure of deer, elk, pronghorn, moose, black bear and mountain lion seasons for the next five years.

"We want to hear from sportsmen and other constituents about how the current hunting season structure is working for them and how it can be improved," said Bob Broscheid, Director of Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

During the second half of February, Colorado Parks and Wildlife will hold 16 public meetings around the state. The closest meeting will be Feb. 26 at the La Plata County Fairgrounds Extension Building, 2500 Main Ave. Durango from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
