
I love Local First now and so should you

Monday, April 13, 2020 9:14 PM

As many of us work to embrace the changes COVID-19 has imposed on our lives, I would like to share that I recently had a Loving Local First moment.

I have been so impressed with the accomplishments of our local businesses. From drive-through, pickup, cleaning and social-distancing efforts, the business owners of Dolores have really stepped up to the plate.

In addition, I have found emotionally that going first to my local business avenues has eased my own anxiety quite a bit. Somehow knowing that the crowds will be small and I most likely will know more than half of them has made accessing those items I need way less stressful.

I have also greatly enjoyed, more than I thought, getting to visit with a local retailers’ smiling face. A person I know, and right now truly respect. Makes me smile.

I also have had an overwhelming sense of duty to be sure that my dollars right now stay here and I do my best to protect those employees serving me so they stay healthy and continue earning a paycheck. In the midst of this challenge, I encourage you all to take a look at Loving Local First, now and long after we are past this hurdle.

Jen StarkDolores
