
StoneAge secures hard-to-get N95 masks

Saturday, April 11, 2020 8:11 PM
Kerry Siggins, CEO of StoneAge Inc., talks with Kristi Gerhardt, an international shipping specialist at StoneAge, at the company’s shipping location in Animas Airpark. StoneAge is working with Chinese distributors to bring N95 masks and personal protective equipment to the Four Corners. The masks and PPEs are in short supply worldwide because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Working with a Chinese distributor, StoneAge Water Blast Tools and Equipment has secured 1,000 hard-to-get N95 masks and is working to bring in other personal protective equipment for medical workers in the Four Corners.

Kerry Siggins, CEO of StoneAge, said when Chinese distributors heard residents of StoneAge’s home city, Durango, had tested positive for COVID-19, they offered to secure PPEs and N95 masks for community.

“I’m very appreciative of our Chinese partners; they have been very supportive and proactive, trying to help us secure what we need,” Siggins said in an email. “We truly are in this together and their willingness to help us proves that we really are all in this together. I think it’s important to highlight this, especially because there is so much negative press around China and their response to the COVID-19 crisis. We couldn’t be doing this for our community if it weren’t for our Chinese partners and the strong relationships we have there.”

Several Chinese distributors are helping StoneAge, with particular assistance coming from LeadJetting, based in Guangzhou, China, which provided StoneAge with 1,000 N95 masks. The masks were received last week and StoneAge donated 130 to Mercy Regional Medical Center, with the remainder of the masks used to keep StoneAge employees safe.

“A few days after we made the small donation to Mercy, I learned that there was a shortage of PPEs throughout the Four Corners and began working with my Chinese team to see what PPEs I could get, in what quantities and how soon I could get it here,” Siggins said.

In less than a week, she said she was able to source N95 masks, surgical masks, face shields, goggles, medical gowns and suits, and medical gloves. She is working with representatives from the local medical community to establish exactly what is needed before putting in an order this week. Siggins said she anticipated the PPEs would arrive in Durango next week.

“I expect we will be bringing in tens of thousands of gloves, masks and face shields and thousands of other types of PPE,” she said.

Once StoneAge receives the PPEs, it will allocate them based on need throughout the Four Corners, working with the local medical community to coordinate and distribute items as needed, Siggins said.

Siggins said StoneAge’s supply chain is stable, steady and can provide access to PPEs for as long as needed.

StoneAge has started a Go Fund Me account titled PPE for Four Corners Area Hospitals.

As of Sunday, the page had raised $11,957.

Siggins said StoneAge is donating $20,000 worth of PPEs, and its goal is for the community match that number “if not double or triple it.”

All supplies will be donated to hospitals in the Four Corners, and any remaining funds will be donated to food banks in the Four Corners.
