
To all who have filled up your pantries

Monday, March 23, 2020 3:32 PM

To all the people of Cortez and surrounding communities who have overstuffed your pantries, I have a couple of questions.

When the worldwide goal is to contain the spread of a highly contagious virus, would it not be in your own best interest to make certain that every single member of this community had the ability to frequently wash their hands? Or to stay home if sick with the supplies they need to get better and move on with life?

This is not the end of the world, but by your selfish hoarding of many times more supplies than you need, you are almost guaranteeing to make this situation worse.

Why is it OK to take home 10 or more frozen pizzas and leave none for me? Is that going to ensure your survival?

I dare any of you out there to give me a logical explanation for hoarding toilet paper. Will it disinfect something for you? Will it help you get better if you become ill? Can you eat it if you need to?

Do you not know you can wipe your backside with many other things besides toilet paper? It will not save you!

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I know I am.

I am much more concerned by the reaction of the people around me than I am about getting sick. I will get over the virus.

Hillary HunsingerRico
