
Colorado health department confirms 160 cases of COVID-19

Monday, March 16, 2020 8:33 PM
Roger Root, lead mechanic with Durango School District 9-R, uses a fogger with Total Solutions, a diluted disinfectant, as he sprays a school bus Friday.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment confirmed 29 new positive cases of COVID-19 in Colorado, based on overnight test results reported through 3 p.m. today. That brings the total number of positive cases to date to 160.

The state can confirm completed test results on about 1,216 people by the state lab since testing started on Feb. 28. Private labs are required to report positive test results to the state. “Private labs are not required to report negative test results to the state, so we are not reporting total testing numbers for the state,” the health department said Monday in a news release.

The department give a geographic breakdown of the cases, citing the high volume of tests being processed by the state lab. Demographic data will be provided as soon as the lab is able to provide the statistical breakdown.

All presumptive positive cases are now considered positive. CDC is no longer performing confirmatory testing.
