
Thanks to all for help with Chili Supper

Tuesday, March 10, 2020 9:41 PM

The Lewis-Arriola Community Center board of directors thanks all of the people who contributed to the success of our 15th annual Chili Supper and Pie Auction.

This fundraiser provides for building and grounds maintenance and helps keep our fees affordable.

This year’s Sunday afternoon dinner and pie auction was the most successful ever.

Thanks to all who purchased tickets and attended the event; and, thanks to all who participated in the pie auction.

Without you the function could not be a success.

Special thanks to Jack Tanner for donating beans, Diamond D Processing, P&D Grocery (Mancos), and Walmart for donating meat; Wayne Johnson and Brittany at SWCOTV for advertising the function on SAYWHAT-TV.

And, thanks to those who bake homemade pies for the auction.

Very special thanks to the team of auctioneers led by Ellis Yates and Frank Green. You’re the best and you do a fantastic job.

Also, thanks to Angela Yates for keeping track of the pie sales and collecting the money.

Heartfelt thanks to our cooks, kitchen help, servers and cashiers who give their time and energy every year in order to make the Chili Supper a success!

If we have missed thanking anyone, it is an unfortunate oversight – we appreciate everyone who makes a contribution, large or small, to the success of the event.

Don LanconCortez
