
Media, Hillary unfair to Bernie Sanders

Thursday, March 5, 2020 12:13 PM

Political strategist Jim Carville called Bernie Sanders’ followers “a cult.”

MSNBC celebrity Chuck Todd went further, referring to Bernie’s entourage as a “brownshirt brigade” – like the violent mobs who supported Hitler.

Chris Matthews of MSNBC imagined up Castro and executions in Central Park, saying he didn’t know who Bernie supported.


And about the man who graciously campaigned at 40 events for her in 2016, Hillary Clinton said he is unliked and ineffective.

This orchestrated campaign attacking Bernie Sanders by Wall Street spokesmen is not surprising. It’s a threat to them when Bernie insists that every person receive basic needs such as health care, education, a decent job and social justice – daring to call these “rights.”

He further suggests that in order to secure their rights, working folks should become active politically. Clearly, he is an extremist – but only by American standards.

Besides Hitler, Castro and cult imagery, what bogeymen are being employed by media pundits?

The 1950s McCarthy era created deep-seated fears that are still easily manipulated – so the word “socialist” triggers emotional reactions.

And then, of course, there’s self-interest.

Many “haves” lean toward a moderate candidate to protect what they love: their comfortable status quo. Pushing for the rights of “have-nots” – isn’t that a bit extremist?

Why all the efforts to back-stab this gentle politician?

Because only he represents a true threat to the powerful. They know Bernie can’t be bought off. He won’t abandon the principles to which he has devoted his life.

Lauri CostelloDurango
