
I want a stop to this extremist bickering

Saturday, Feb. 29, 2020 12:26 PM

If all that liberals have is pointing out problems, with the use of either fact or argument, what is the motivation to embrace such ideology?

Humans think emotionally, rationally and religiously.

By religiously, I mean in story and narrative.

Religious thinking is the most powerful out of the three modes, and extremists tell the best stories because those are the most narrative, least factual, and most emotional.

The religious right is telling a more compelling, and therefore persuasive, extreme narrative than the extreme “G-d is Dead” left.

I’m talking the extreme “SJW/antifa” incoherent narrative of relativism, colonialism and patriarchy.

I want a stop to the bickering of both extremists.

Stop complaining about Trump, it strengthens your opponent, since it is part of the “rights” narrative that a “great man” shall be attacked, without reason, by over-educated whining commie-effeminate pinkos. That really is a compelling story by the way. Why?

Marching with hats in the shape of vaginas is silly. The fact that Trump is a lifelong criminal gets lost in that weak extreme display. Stop muddying the waters, all of you, and wish our country the wellbeing and benevolence of its entire people.

Presenting problems is not offering solutions. Stop presenting problems. Begin offering solutions. Every citizen of this nation is deserving of respect, and it is our responsibility to act like that is the truth.

Richard M. FeitCortez
