
Take another look at the cause, control of cancer

Friday, Dec. 13, 2013 12:52 AM


An article concerning cancer treatment was on the news recently in which parents refused to take their child to the hospital for treatment. If and when they are found they will be arrested and the child forced by court order to be tortured with chemotherapy. So much for freedom in the United States. I am now compelled to enlighten those of you who have a right to know the following:

It is high time for the truth to be learned about the cause and control of cancer. The American Medical Association controls doctors in the United States. When a cancer patent asks a doctor about laetrile, he or she is told that laetrile is a worthless drug and not to waste time on it.

Before Dr. Krebs died, he announced that everyone is born with cancer cells. But that when the pancreas “kicks in, the cancer cells are controlled; that there will never be a cure for cancer, but that it can be controlled through proper diet and exercise.” There are many books in the library on the subject, including laetrile. It is well known that surgery spreads cancer, that radiation causes cancer and that chemotherapy destroys the body’s immune system.

I can and will testify to the above, since I collapsed with cancer at age 42. I did not wish to be cut up, burned up or drugged up so I went to Mexico to the Contreras Clinic for laetrile, B-17 and wobenzyme (Pancreatic Enzymes) treatment; within 1 and ½ weeks the pain in my stomach was gone. I am now age 87 years old and cancer is the least of my worries.

Evelyn Stacer, Mancos
