
Mesa Verde National Park expands online tour ticket reservations

Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020 12:09 PM
Mesa Verde expands online tour ticketing beginning March 9.

The Journal

Beginning at 8 a.m. March 9, visitors to Mesa Verde National Park may reserve tour tickets online at for daily cliff dwelling tours, including Cliff Palace, Balcony House and Long House. Tickets are $7 per person. A limited number of same-day tour tickets will be - available online and at tour ticket locations. Tours begin April 12 for Cliff Palace, May 10 for Balcony House and May 22 for Long House.

Because of limited cellular service throughout the park, visitors purchasing tickets will be required to pick up hard copy tickets at one of four tickets sales locations – Visitor & Research Center, Chapin Mesa Archaeological Museum, Durango Welcome Center and Morefield Ranger Station – up to one week in advance. Drivers should allow at least one hour to drive from the park entrance to Cliff Palace and Balcony House and at least one hour and 15 minutes to drive to Long House.

Allow at least two hours between tour start times to allow for drive time between tour sites. A table of drive times is available online at

For more information, visit
