
Firewise helps residents mitigate fire risk

Friday, Dec. 6, 2013 12:19 AM


Montezuma County includes many wooded rural areas. Fire mitigation is needed to protect our forest from wild fires. Firewise has met that urgent need.

By working with neighborhood groups and facilitating field demonstrations, Firewise has introduced homeowners to methods of preventing the fire threat. We have learned the proper use of a wood chipper, brush cutter, lopping shear and pole pruners, clothing and protective gear and many other techniques. Our neighbors and we have taken advantage of programs available to Firewise to rent equipment at reduced rates.

Firewise is our connection to local fire departments. We are learning how to improve neighborhood access for fire trucks and provide safe egress in the event of a fire.

We ask that the county commissioners continue to fund Firewise for 2014. We must remove wildfire threats. We must have a viable connection with the tools and resources to prevent wildfires.

Pete and Mary Dericks, Summit Ridge
