
Board member’s firing was wrong for community

Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013 1:19 AM


This letter is regarding the headline about the firing of M.B. McAfee from the Axis Board (Journal, Oct. 18) and Nancy Schaufele’s beautifully crafted work in the Four Corners Free Press concerning M.B.’s dismissal and the importance of being on a community board. I am writing because I did not want to be a community member who was outraged yet didn’t speak up.

It is extremely troubling that someone of McAfee’s caliber can be fired from a community board. I have known M.B. for more than 15 years as a friend, mentor, clinical supervisor and dedicated community advocate. One may not always agree with M.B., but there is no doubt about her devotion to this community and the brilliant skills she brings to any organization. I do not know many people who spend their retirement doing full-time volunteer work that benefits every member of this community, whether we know it or not.

This community should be honored and blessed to have M.B. McAfee involved in improving life for all of us, including the most disenfranchised.

Judy Wolfe

