
Gardner: No excuse for backing Trump

Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2020 9:48 AM

With all due respect to fellow reader Michael Frasier of Dolores, he got nearly everything dead wrong about President Trump and the invertebrate Sen. Gardner (“Gardner gets what makes Trump great,” Dec. 26).

Along with the fact that it was the Obama administration that caused the rebound in our economy, and who cemented our alliances abroad, Trump has managed to get Mr. Frasier and others to believe in a man who is:

A business fraud, charity fraud, sexual predator, a questionable billionaire with several bankruptcies in the casino biz (of all things!); a serial philanderer whose wives had something in common (they were known as the “other woman”); known for cheating contractors out of their fees for services; a chronic liar (the Pinocchio champion!); known for over-promising and under-delivering; and, with publication of a video where he brags about his success grabbing women by the you-know-whats.

Mr. Frasier’s hero is anything but. World leaders laugh at him; they manipulate with ease; they worry about his unhinged behavior; and, his lack of intellectual curiosity about the Constitution, a treasured document he prefers to disrespect and ignore, is reprehensible — and impeachable.

Sen. Gardner should know better. As a loyal Christian, he should understand Trump’s rejection of all that Jesus taught. Talk about hypocrisy!

David OhmanDurango
