
Public promises have rung untrue

Friday, Nov. 8, 2013 4:36 PM


I am writing about a frustrated citizen whose insurance bill is going to go up to 40 percent of her income if she opts for family coverage. Because she reads the Cortez Journal, she looks to you to be on the forefront of protecting her from all the corruption that is coming against America and its people at this time (Free Press, Defenders of Liberty etc.) Since shopping for insurance, as she is required to do by law, she has found that hardly any of the public promises made for affordable care have rung true. It seems that America has come under the despotic thumb of oppression that is the true nature of socialist (communist?) countries around the world. Extortion of the poor, confiscation of the wealth and natural resources, and forced dependence on a godless state are what Obamacare brings to this nation. And, ironically, not by Pravda or by Tass, but by the media we have thought to be our watchman on the wall – the local newspapers, television and radio stations we support with our dollars.

Alvin Collom, Cortez
