
Empire Electric lights election

Monday, March 14, 2011 3:14 PM

Empire Electric Association will hold its annual meeting Thursday, June 2, at the Monticello High School auditorium in Monticello, Utah. Registration will begin at 5 p.m. at which time participants can enjoy hors d’oeuvres prior to the 6 p.m. business meeting.

The Empire board of directors has two seats up for election, Districts 5 and 6. Jim Lawrence is the incumbent in District 5, and Dave Sitton is the incumbent in District 6.

Empire’s bylaws require the following qualifications to become or remain a director:

Be a member of the cooperative.

Be a bona fide resident of the district represented.

Be a U.S. citizen.

Be at least 18 years old.

Not be an Empire employee.

District 5 is generally the southwestern portion of Empire’s service area including Towaoc and the western part of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Reservation, a portion of Cortez, McElmo Canyon and part of Empire’s Utah territory.

District 6 is generally the southeastern portion of Empire’s service area, including Mancos, a portion of Cortez, the eastern part of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Reservation, and all of Mesa Verde National Park.

People interested in running for a board seat can call 565-4444 or stop by Empire’s headquarters at 801 N. Broadway, Cortez and ask for Neal Stephens or Denise Rosenbaugh to confirm they meet the minimum qualifications. Qualified candidates can pick up an official nominating petition form to get on the 2011 ballot.

Nominations for all candidates are by petition-only and must include the signature of at least 15 members of the cooperative whose bona fide residence resides within the nominating district. Qualifying candidates must file the official nominating petition with the cooperative’s secretary at 801 N. Broadway, Cortez, within a 45-day window that began March 4 and ends April 18. The secretary will post a list of qualifying nominees April 18.

Each member of the cooperative is entitled to vote on all issues properly brought before the membership, including the election of directors. Mail voting will be in writing on ballots provided by the cooperative and will be received by 5 p.m. May 28. Members who vote by mail are not entitled to vote at the annual meeting.

To assure that their vote counts, members are strongly encouraged to cast a mail ballot regardless of whether or not they might attend the annual meeting.
