
Gun-control column should not be in Sports

Friday, Nov. 8, 2013 12:03 AM


I was absolutely astounded to read Sports Editor Ian MacLaren’s column in the Friday, Oct. 11, Cortez Journal. While MacLaren is entitled to his opinion on any issue, this particular topic (gun control) surely does not really belong in the Sports section. His justification was that a professional football player committed a crime in California with an “assault rifle.”

First, I don’t think many of your readers really care what happens in California. I don’t — that’s why I live here!

Second, his assumption that AR-15 fully automatic rifle was used is not justified or proved in his writing. There was no AR-15 found when he was arrested, only three other rifles that fit the California definition of an “assault rifle,” and none was fully automatic firing.

Third, any fully automatic firearm has been illegal to own without a federal firearms permit and registration since the National Firearms Act was put in place in 1934. He must think anyone can buy one at your local gun shop.

Fourth, his statement “that Smith fired an assault weapon into the air” is blatantly false. It took me about 2 minutes to find the correct information on the Internet. It was a .45 Colt pistol (which is not banned in California) that was fired into the air according to San Francisco newspaper reports.

MacLaren’s use of the Journal to spew his personal opinions and his lack of journalistic skills don’t belong here. What California does is its business, and what we do here in the Four Corners is ours. If MacLaren doesn’t like our local and state laws, customs and environment, I suggest move to California where laws are more to his liking.

Roger Lawrence

