
MCHD needs grants to provide equipment

Monday, Oct. 28, 2013 11:44 PM


I urge everyone to support 5D MCHD on the November ballot. The measure will enable the Montezuma County Hospital District to obtain larger grants from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs. Larger grants are needed by the hospital to update and replace equipment that keeps the hospital running and equipment used for patients. There is no tax increase for anyone, but restrictions imposed by state law prevent the district from applying for larger grants.

We have the ability to remove those restrictions by voting “yes” on 5D MCHD. The DOLA grants come from oil and gas money that is already being collected. Grant applications are submitted by governmental units around the state for their local needs. Grants are awarded based on the merits of proposed projects. If we are unable to get our share of the grants, the money will go to other areas of the state. Let’s help ourselves and our hospital and support 5D MCHD.

Jack Schuenemeyer

