
Southwest Health System names 2019 Employee of the Year

Monday, Dec. 16, 2019 2:12 PM
Southwest Health System names Joe Gurule as the 2019 Employee of the Year.

The Journal

Southwest Health System, the third-largest employer in Montezuma County, has named Joe Gurule, 2019 Employee of the Year.

Gurule, a 29-year employee, was nominated by coworkers who said:

“Joe is the rock of our kitchen. He arrives daily at 4 a.m. to begin breakfast prep for the cafeteria as well as patients. Although you may not see him moving effortlessly through the kitchen, you can often hear him whistling while he works. During a recent community appreciation event, after working since 4 a.m., Joe came back for the event that evening to lend a hand. Without Joe serving guests, refilling supplies, and running back and forth to the kitchen this event would not have been the success that it was.”

Originally from Utah, Gurule moved to Cortez to be closer to his sister in 1980 and began his employment with SHS, a news release from the hospital said. In his spare time, he enjoys watching local sporting events and rooting for the home team. He can be spotted behind the camera making videos for students and coaches. He also likes to read and enjoys nature.
