
Vote yes to help hospital, fire districts

Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2013 6:43 PM


A modern local hospital is critical to the physical and economic health of a rural community. We are very fortunate to have such a facility in Southwest Memorial Hospital. Unfortunately it costs a lot of money to keep a hospital up-to-date and modern. Equipment is extremely expensive. And new advances are being made all the time. The landlords of our hospital, Montezuma County Hospital District, continually need more money to keep it state-of-the-art. The district board realizes there are numerous state grants available that could help with purchasing new equipment. Unfortunately the district is restricted by TABOR from accepting grant money in excess of 5.5 percent of the prior year’s tax revenue — around $27,000. Modern equipment often costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. If approved, 5D will allow the district to apply for grants that will help fund equipment. Voting yes will not increase your taxes; it contains no provision for a tax increase. I urge everyone to vote yes on 5D MCHD.

Should there be a fire or a medical emergency at my house, I want our local fire protection district to send the best fire fighters with the most up-to-date equipment and vehicles available. I want my family as well protected as possible. To keep equipment and vehicles up-to-date takes money. Not only inflation, but technological advances have added to the cost of modern firefighting equipment. Many of us watch our fire trucks go by with sirens blaring and think that they must be fairly new because they look so bright and shiny. But if you talk to our fire chief, he’ll tell you they are not new and need to be replaced regularly. The specialized equipment fire fighters use and wear also has to be replaced. These increasing costs are outpacing our fire protection district’s tax basis. We need to get more money into the fire protection district’s coffers. The mill level increase behind Referendum 5A CFPD is minimal but keeping us and our families safe is critical. I urge everyone to vote yes on Referendum 5A CFPD.

Byron Maynes

