
Dolores considers proposal for a new stadium and track

Wednesday, June 22, 2016 12:36 AM

The town of Dolores is considering allowing the Dolores School district to explore the possibility of building a stadium and track at Joe Rowell Park.

The school wants to seek a planning grant from Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) to determine costs and feasibility. But for the school to even apply for the initial planning grant, the town must pass a resolution to allow it and a intergovernmental agreement between the town and the school district.

“The planning grant is to figure out what could be done with the space,” said town attorney Mike Green. “It is not a commitment to do anything.”

All costs of the proposed project would fall on the school district, including construction, grant matches and maintenance. Community meetings would be held to gather input from residents on the idea, and surveys are also likely.

Town manager Lana Hancock said for the plan to move forward, an approved resolution and intergovernmental agreement would be required for every grant funding stage of the project.

If the project materializes, the public would have access to the facilities, officials said, and the park would stay under town ownership.
