
FireWise taking reservations for fuels-reduction workshop

Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013 9:46 PM

FireWise of Southwest Colorado is putting on a Wildland Fire Fuels Mitigation Workshop on Oct. 20. The day will be packed with introductions to techniques and tools for selecting and removing unhealthy trees and brush so thick a rabbit wouldn't go.

The workshop includes ways to get rid of the slash and reduce long-term maintenance.

There will be field instruction in central Montezuma County, demonstrations with mechanized equipment, and opportunities for hands-on practice with nontechnical tools to improve your ability to reduce the threat of wildland fire and choose the appropriate techniques for the job.

The workshop will be $20 and $10 for FireWise Neighborhood Ambassadors. The workshop is planned for Sunday, Oct. 20.

For more information or to reserve a spot, call Becca at 564-4007.
