
Why we need a very good school system

Monday, Nov. 11, 2019 1:46 PM

I was sad to see ballot measure 4A did not pass. I was sad to think those who voted No do not value education, our children and our teachers.

There is no one in our society more important than our teachers.

Without teachers, we would not have a good quality of life, a safe and secure country, there would be no doctors, engineers or any of the educated people who make our civilization what it is.

Those who used the argument that they don’t have children, then why should they vote for any education bill, I would answer them that someone paid for your education, education improves people’s quality of life, education makes our country safer and more secure and an educated populace makes our community a place people, companies and organizations want to move to and they would all pay taxes to support and better our community.

We will not attract good-paying companies and organizations without a good school system, and we will not have a good school system if we do not support it.

A few weeks ago a lady wrote to your paper that teachers chose their profession, it was their choice. They chose to be teachers because of their love for education, children, country and community. They should not be subjected to low, unlivable wages and lack of respect because of their chosen profession.

I hope this measure comes up again in 2020 and those who voted No search their conscience and vote Yes.

Larry BergerCortez
