
Tax increase for education worthwhile

Monday, Oct. 28, 2019 4:16 PM

School taxes are a great investment in the community.

A well paid staff, teachers in particular, ensures stability in the classroom.

Having a good school system in a community is like having a good foundation on a building. An educated population will have a reduction in crime, drug abuse and unwanted pregnancies. These outcomes all incur costs in support services that can be reduced with an educated population, a classic case of “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Education builds a competent work force that attracts businesses. A good, stable school system attracts people looking for a place to live and start businesses.

We ask children to pay attention and respect their teachers, and do their homework and projects. The outcome is adults with good foundations on which to build their lives and positively contribute to society.

Likewise, we as a community must show support for our teachers and staff by paying them a good wage, for they are the foundation of the community. I do not have kids and I am voting Yes on 4A, because those kids are future adults and I want those adults to be prosperous and contribute to the positive growth of the region.

John Willard

