
Stand tall and defend the Affordable Care Act

Monday, Sept. 23, 2013 10:52 PM


The greedy insurance companies, some hospitals and some doctors, better known as the Medical Industrial Complex, are advertising at this time to get rid of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, which has helped many of we the people in the middle and poor class to save lives and make life more comfortable for many of us. C-Span is debating this issue now, because the elections are coming up. The Republicans are hoping to persuade Americans to vote for them or better still just not go to the polls.

Once again I am imploring you to stand tall and fight back the only possible way we have to “level the playing field.” The Republicans continue to show no respect for our president and obstruct everything he tries to do to help we the people, as well as bringing about peace throughout the world.

When Democrats once again control the House and Senate, work will get done to restart this country. American companies will be brought back from overseas for “jobs, jobs, jobs” and CEOs will then be paying owed taxes.

No American should be without health care. No American should go hungry. No American should be sleeping out under the bridge.

Evelyn Stacer

