
Our schools need people like Tallmadge

Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2019 9:56 AM

Clay Tallmadge is running for Dolores school board.

Consistency is important for school communities. Clay taught school at Dolores elementary and middle schools for 14 years. He was born and raised in Southwest Colorado and is happily raising his family here.

The consistency I speak of for a school and how it relates to Clay comes from how he treated his teaching job, his students, his school. Clay and I taught school at the same time; he taught in Dolores, I taught in Cortez. We spent many late afternoons discussing the successes and challenges of our shared work as schoolteachers. Over the years, I returned again and again to talk with Clay because I found that even when we both were exhausted from the job, the chaos, the intense expectations facing teachers, Clay always ended the conversations with a solution, a positive message about his work and a final expression of how much he loved working in the school.

This is what I want in a school board member, a person who builds solutions, expresses positive message, and truly loves the school environment.

As you consider who to vote for regarding Dolores school board, I encourage you to ask the young people who were Clay’s students what they think of him, and ask his former colleagues the same question.

Clay Tallmadge is my friend and my colleague and I trust him for this work implicitly. He will respect your vote every day as a school board member.

Sam Carter

