
There’s more to life than self-survival

Monday, Oct. 7, 2019 5:50 PM

Two men were sitting at the table behind us having a rather loud, but friendly, conversation. It wasn’t difficult to hear them and we weren’t focused on listening to the conversation, until I heard one of them speak about yoga. I simply noted it.

One man was telling the other about some health product. Still, I paid little notice to the conversation until, “Hey, as long as I am getting rich, what do I care?”

That spiked our attention, and my partner and I looked at each other with the same question in our eyes: “Did I hear him correctly?”

We answered, “Yes.”

That comment stayed with me all day, as if I had been handed the task of discovering the source from which such words were chosen. When I came to a conclusion, it felt true.

Those were the words belonging to a type of human predator – someone who could lie, cheat, manipulate and steal; potentially harming another person’s well-being, or something else, in order to get what they want.

In this case, it was about money; these days it usually is; and getting rich at the expense of what, they do not care. No conscience, no consideration for consequences, just self survival, cold and greedy.

But is there something more than self-survival? Yes. It is about caring and taking care of something bigger than ourselves, that in and of itself provides all with the ability to even survive at all: Earth!

Sheila Wheeler

