Dolores River Anglers, the local chapter of Trout Unlimited, would like to thank the following people and businesses for their generous donations and support of our first river restoration project on the Dolores River watershed.
The project was made possible, in part, by a large donation of aspen wattles, grass mats and staples from Western Excelsior and rebar from Saulsbury Enterprises. Thank you, Fred Christiansen and Mike Taylor, for arranging those timely donations.
We would also like to thank Mike Rosso for the use of his shop and rebar bender/cutter, Jim Grove for bending and cutting a bunch of rebar stakes for us, the Goodes and Tammy Spencer at T&M Dirtworks for the angular rock and several deliveries to the work site, Southwest Seed for the special grass mix, and the Forest Service - Derek Padilla, Shauna Jensen and the hydrology crew - for their planning help and their help on the ground at the project.
This was Dolores River Anglers' first attempt at a river restoration. Thanks to the Forest Service expertise and community donations, the project went smoothly.
With the generous support of people like you, we will be able to establish future conservation projects throughout the local watersheds. We appreciate all that you have done for this project. We strive to have a great working relationship with local organizations and hope these projects are just the beginning of many projects on the Dolores River watershed on which we can partner in some way. Top DRA priorities include native cutthroat conservation, river stabilization and habitat, education and public fishing access.
TU has always been guided by the principle that if we take care of the fish, the fishing will take care of itself. We want to see our wild lands protected and preserved on the Dolores for our kids and for their kids to come.
Thank you again, and we look forward to your continued support.
Dolores River Anglers