
Reopen the south part of Sage Hen

Thursday, Aug. 22, 2013 10:41 PM


I am writing about the Sage Hen closure, and hopefully the reopening of this particular piece of land.

In 2007 when Sage Hen was closed, Lloyd Powers, my dad, myself and several other county residents met with the Forest Service several times to try and overturn their decision.

I would like to inform the county residents who are concerned about this issue, Steve Beverlin, of the Forest Service, stated in one of the meetings that the Forest Service closed the lake camping down due to a big party spot north of the lake and County Road X, at which the Forest Service already had a gate. They could have closed the north section at any time.

With that said I think the Forest Service should reopen Sage Hen for camping south of County Road X promptly. There was never any reason that section was shut down.

Randy Osterloh

