
Open-minded people willing to compromise

Thursday, Aug. 15, 2013 10:18 PM


I promised my wife I wouldn’t write any more letters, but after seeing the same letter Bud Garner wrote to the Journal in the Free Press, I had to write one last letter (I hope).

I think Garner’s letter is full of inaccuracies and it’s pretty much his opinion and that of folks who think like him. We are all entitled to an opinion, but believing it’s a fact is another thing.

People study the Constitution all their lives. They go to the best universities, work in that field as lawyers, scholars, justices and so on. They don’t agree with each other! Look at the Supreme Court, or any court, for that matter. Their (TEA Partiers’, 9/12ers’) ideas about how they interpret the Constitution have cost states, counties and towns much money. They also think they speak for the whole community and do not realize not everyone thinks like them and those that don’t are not necessarily wrong. This goes for our sheriff and county commissioners.

I feel both the right and left need to get an open mind and learn to compromise. They also need to learn to respect each other. There was a time when members of Congress could argue all day in Chamber, then go play golf and work out a deal. We need open-minded people and the willingness to compromise for the betterment of our country.

Larry Berger

