
Some stupid bonehead things

Thursday, Aug. 8, 2013 9:44 PM


What ever happened to the phrase, “The buck stops here”? Will the nonsense at the sheriff’s office ever end? While our glamour-seeking sheriff is a) getting his picture on the cover of the NRA magazine and b) his photo in papers throughout Colorado and c) giving live interviews to southern radio stations, the department seems to be falling apart. To use his own phrase, Spruell has done “some stupid bonehead things.”

To admit, as he did, that the recently fired “drug cop” was hired by the recently indicted undersheriff with a “wink and a nod” is unfathomable. This is especially so since the “drug cop” had recently been forced to resign as a cop in Arizona for, among other things, violating the Fourth Amendment! According to our DA this same cop’s “actions have been unconstitutional and unlawful.” As a result many criminals will go free.

Rather than using weasel phrases like, “I’m trying to clean up my agency” and “I’m trying to do things right,” why can’t he say, “I’m the one in charge, I run the place and I take full responsibility; the buck stops here”? Dennis Spruell was elected to actively run the sheriff’s office for all of us in Montezuma County, not be a national poster boy.

Jim Skvorc

