
Trump policies rob our energy and health

Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2019 1:00 PM

Friday, Aug. 23 at 8 p.m. Colorado time, on CNN there will be a special report: “A Toxic Tale: Trump’s Environmental Impact.”

Whether or not you like Trump is irreverent here. Set aside judgments and blame towards Republican, Democrat, liberal, religious, etc. Consider only the facts about what is happening to our environment, for however small or large you deem it, this still affects everyone in our country, if not the entire world, and the health of water, air, soil, food, people and all forms of life, into the future.

There is a difference between life and lifestyle. What you may consider a threat to your lifestyle is of no importance when it comes to your life being threatened. And here we are!

Think about all the commotion and bantering going on about the health care programs and the issues, and those who stand to reap more and more money over our being ill rather than healthy.

This program is being broadcast because it is about what is keeping us all from feeling as energetic and healthy as we are capable of being, to live without the use of “lift me up” products to get us to work and through the day, and “help to sleep” products to get through the night. That is an insane, artificial cycle of a person’s life.

We must claim the right to keep our health and maintain it. More responsibly, we must care for this planet that provides health opportunities to all, equally.

Sheila Wheeler

